OBefore you use the app
Please read and accept these terms and conditions to use our mobile App. You can find out more on our app page https://www.eagleflightmfb.ng/terms-conditions/.
To do certain things in the app, you might be asked to read and accept more terms and conditions that relate to what you’re trying to do – e.g. if you apply for a savings account.
Part 1 – Using our mobile app
You can use the app to
View and manage your Eagle Flight MFB savings and current accounts and related services in one place.
Make payments and move money between your bank accounts
Give us payment and other instructions on your bank account, including setting controls on your transfer limited (This must be inline with what the Eagle Flight MFB has set on the digital banking portal)
Confirm your instructions with the mobile PINs entry in the app
Open savings accounts with us
Open a current account if you are an existing customer
Become an Eagle Flight MFB customer.
Who can use the app?
You must be aged 18 or over and have an Eagle Flight MFB current or savings account.
If we need to, we can refuse to register you for the app and limit how you use it.
The devices it works on
At the moment, the app works on Android 13.0 or above and iOS 11 or later (we update these regularly). There are different features depending on your phone or tablet, operating system or version of the app you have.
What does it cost?
As a personal customer, we don’t charge you for using the downloading and installing the App but we charge you for transactions made according to the CBN policy on Mobile banking transaction services
Your internet or network service provider may also charge you for using data on your smartphone, tablet or computer devices.
How to register
Step 1: You’ll need to download the app to your phone or tablet. Search for Eagle Flight Mobile in the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. Don’t download it from anywhere else
Step2: Read and accept the terms and conditions in the app
Step 3: Once you've done this, register and match your mobile number with your Eagle Flight MFB account. We use a third party to verify your mobile number with your mobile network operator.
Conditions for using the app
Using the app in the right way
Only use the app to view your bank accounts and related services, make payments, transfer money, give us instructions with the mobile PINs entry and view your PIN or withdraw cash.
Don’t use the app to upload or store inappropriate or illegal images or content that breaches the rights of others
Don’t attempt to make any income directly from using the app
Don’t use the app to do anything illegal
Don’t use the app in a way that could damage it or stop it from working or affect our systems or other users – for example, by hacking into or inserting malicious code into the app or iOS, Android or other operating systems
Don’t collect any information or data from the app or our systems or try to read any messages or information not meant for you
Only use the app to view your bank accounts and related services, make payments, transfer money or give us instructions on your account
Make sure you obey any laws that apply to you in any place you use the app
Information about you
Keeping us informed
If your account details or any other information about you changes, tell us straight away.
How you must protect your money and information
The app gives you access to your bank accounts, so you need to make sure you don’t allow anyone to log into your account through the app
Always keep your phone or tablet secure and close the app if you’re not using it. Don’t let anyone see your PIN if you are viewing it on your app
App Push Notifications include your transaction details, which will appear on the locked screen of your mobile device unless you change its settings
Some devices allow you to use your fingerprint or Face ID for logging into the app. If you enable this feature, then anyone whose fingerprint or Face ID is registered on your phone or tablet may be able to log into the app and access your accounts. Therefore, you must not activate this feature if you allow other people to access your phone or tablet using their fingerprint or Face ID. You should delete any other fingerprints or Face ID registered on the device first; otherwise, transactions made by anyone else who has their fingerprint or Face ID registered on the device will be treated as being authorized by you
Don’t install or use the app on a jail-broken or rooted device. These have had their security features changed in order to work, which makes them less secure, and means that fraudsters could access your phone or tablet and steal your information or money
For security purposes, always use the latest version of the app.
If someone wants to know your security details
We won’t ever phone you or send you an email asking for your security details. Nor will we ever ask anybody to do this for us. If anyone contacts you asking for your security details, they may be a fraudster. Tell us straight away on 09069044923
Data Privacy and your rights
We are committed to protecting your personal data. We will use your information for a number of different purposes, for example, to manage your account(s), to provide our products and services to you and others, to provide access to the products and services of trusted third parties, to onboard you as a customer, to send you push notifications (if you enable them) and to meet our legal and regulatory obligations. We may also share your information with our trusted third parties for these purposes and in some cases these third parties may require you to accept further terms and conditions.
For more detailed information on how and why we use your information, including your rights in relation to your personal data, please go to https://www.eagleflightmfb.ng/terms-and-conditions
If you are using the app to become an Eagle customer and you can’t complete your application straightaway, we’ll hold your data for 90 days to give you time to continue your application from where you left off. After this, it will be deleted.
This app uses cookies and similar technologies (“cookies”). These cookies help the app to work, check that it’s you when you’re using the app and collect information about how you use the app. This helps us improve how the app works.
You can manage how the app accesses your device or information using your privacy settings. We need to use certain cookies in order for the app to work, but if you uninstall the app we will no longer collect any information from your device. Any data collected before you uninstall the app will be retained in accordance with our data privacy notice.
For more detailed information about cookies and how they’re used on the app, visit our cookies page.
What else you need to know
Changes to the app and our terms and conditions
If we need to change anything about the app, we’ll tell you about the change in advance (if it negatively affects how you use the app) or we’ll tell you after we make the change (if it benefits you or doesn’t affect how you use the app). We’ll send you a text or alert or display a message about the change when you next use the app or log into our website. If there’s anything we need you to agree we might ask you to read and accept a message on your screen to continue using the app
From time to time, we may update the app through the App store. Depending on what the update is, you may not be able to use the app until you’ve installed the latest version and accepted the new information about it. We’ll let you know via your phone or tablet when there’s a new version to upload
Make sure any device you use to access the app complies with the standards and requirements we tell you about from time to time.
Contacting you
From time to time, we may contact you about the app by email, text or other messages on the app, or by telephone.
Sometimes, these may be marketing messages. If you don’t want to receive them, you can tell us at any time by contacting us on our normal contact number.
It is important that you keep us updated with any changes to your contact details
Please remember that you are responsible for checking your statements whether or not you receive a statement reminder
Following a period of inactivity, we may remove your access to a digital servicing channel in order to protect your account information. If this happens, you simply need to re-register for access when you are ready
If things go wrong
If something goes wrong and it’s our fault, we’ll make good your loss. The terms of our account explain when you can claim back from us if you lose money because of something that’s our fault.
There are some things that we’re not responsible for because, for example, they’re out of our control or they relate to how your phone or tablet works. So, we can’t be responsible if you lose money because
You can't access the app for any reason or it’s slow
Any device, hardware or software you use with the app is damaged or corrupted or doesn’t work
The app doesn’t work as you expect, doesn’t meet your requirements or contains errors or defects or we don't correct these
You don’t receive a text or message in the app in time
We’re prevented from providing any service in part or in full because of something a third party does
You do not update the app when prompted.
Part B – Paying a mobile contact
You’ll need to read and accept these terms and conditions to send or receive mobile payments using the app.
Some things you need to know
There’s no charge to make or receive mobile payments, but your mobile service provider might charge you for using data.
The recipient will receive a notification and SMS to confirm the payment. They’ll also be able to see your name, payment reference, and payment amount
Payment limits apply – you can check these on our website (or in the app)
We might refuse to process a payment for reasons set out in the general terms
You need to tell us if you change your mobile number or account details so that we can continue to process payments correctly
The terms and conditions for using the app apply to this service, as do the general terms for your account
If a payment is made by mistake
You need to make sure you give us the right details so that we can ensure your payment goes to the right person
If you enter the wrong details, the payment might not go through or it might go to the wrong person. While we’re not held responsible for this, we’ll help you to try and get your money back. We explain this in more detail in the general terms
If someone pays you by mistake, you will authorise us to take the money from your account and return it to them. You must tell us as soon as possible and return any money you suspect or know has been sent to you by mistake
We don’t store any names, emails, addresses or other information from your address boo.
We can also reject the following items
Duplicate items
Items that exceed our deposit limits
Deposits from an account that’s been closed
Deposits from an ineligible account
Items that don’t contain any of the essential features
Items we consider illegible, invalid or in breach of our agreement with you
Items that may contain viruses or other inappropriate content
Transfer limits
We’ll place transfer limits (which we can change anytime) on the amounts and number of transfers that you can make using the Service. We’ll tell you the limits in the app.
Part C – Other things you need to know
If you’re unhappy with something
If you're unhappy with the app or feel we have done something wrong, please contact us and give us the opportunity to investigate and resolve the matter. This also helps improve our service for all customers.